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 Retired employees of           stanislaus county organizations



       Myrna Lebert      


Michael O'Neal

Vice President


Tina Von Stade 


Maria De Anda


Connie Brimm 

Seat 1 - Director 


Donna Webster

Seat 2 - Director (term expires 12/26)

Dave Richards

Seat 3 - Director 

Lillie Farriester

Seat 4 - Director 

Other Voting Members

Ron Grider 

Past President 

Rhonda Biesemeier

Retirement Board Representative

Sam Sharpe

Alternate Retirement Board Rep.

Ed Washington

Director Emeritus

Support Staff

Administrative Assistant/Website Project Manager

P.O. Box 1646

Modesto, CA  95353-1643

Phone: 209-521-1666 



What we do behind the scenes....

AUDIT - Conducts semi-annual reviews of the RESCO financial records to assure that all monies received and expended are accurately accounted for.

BUDGET - Prepares a proposed budget for each upcoming year for approval by the Board of Directors each January.

BYLAWS - Periodically reviews and updates the RESCO Bylaws to be assure that all of our business practices are outlined and being followed.

INSURANCE - Works closely with our insurance administrator to assure that a variety of health plans are available, and coordinates the annual Open Enrollment Event for members.

LEGISLATION -  Keeps abreast of any pending legislation that may impact retiree benefits and works with CRCEA’s Legislative Committee to protect our benefits.

LITIGATION -  Works with our Attorneys, gathering information that may be needed to support pending or potential litigation.

MEMBERSHIP & MARKETING - Seeks out recruitment & retention methods for new and existing members and participates in the annual Pre-Retirement Seminars hosted by StanCERA.

NEWSLETTER - Gathers articles and coordinates with our printer to produce out quarterly newsletter.

RETIREMENT - Representatives on the StanCERA Retirement Board keep RESCO members informed of retirement board actions and any pertinent information.

WEBSITE - Updates and maintains information on the RESCO Website so members have access and are kept informed of RESCO activities.

RESCO Bylaws

Approved March 09, 2016

Approved December 15, 2011

Approved October 17, 2010


Legislative Report

August 2024 Legislative Report

May 2024 Legislative Report


StanCERA - Stanislaus County Employee Retirement Association

StanCERA - Retirement Board Meeting Agendas

CRCEA - California Retired County Employees Association

SACRS - State Association of County Retirement Systems

PEPRA - California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 - See SACRS Resources 

CERL - (County Employees Retirement Law)

CALAPRS - California Association of Public Retirement Systems 

NCPERS - National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems


  • May 21, 1969 - RESCO began as the Stanislaus County Retired Employees Association (SCREA). They were affiliated with SCEA (Stanislaus County Employees Association) and relied upon them for clerical help and meeting space.
  • July 1986 - SCREA became RESCO, and an independent organization.
  • RESCO was closely associated with the Stanislaus County Employees Federal Credit Union (SCEFCU), as one of our founders, Wes Hall, was also on their board. He worked out a contract with them to provide clerical staff and meeting space. Then, as now, the Credit Union served many county retirees. In 1999 the SCEFCU became Valley First Credit Union (VFCU).
  • July 2011 - RESCO became a 501(c)(7) Non-profit Mutual Benefit Corporation (RESCO, INC.) and changed our name to Retired Employees of Stanislaus Organization, Inc. to reflect all of the agencies whose retirees we represent.
  • 2010 (approx.) Prior to this date, retiree health insurance needs were met by either Stanislaus County or StanCERA. Around that time, StanCERA decided to no longer provide insurance for retirees as part of their services, so RESCO took on that task.  
  • 2014 - RESCO contracted with Pacific Group Agencies to provide Medical, Dental, Vision and other plans to our Medicare Eligible members.
  • Stanislaus County continues to provide insurance coverage to “early retirees”.
  • 2020 - Late in the year RESCO contracted with Organized Labor Credit Union for our Administrative duties and meeting space.
  • 2022 - The new RESCO website was launched (WILD APRICOT)! This new site will be interactive and will allow members even more information!

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