WHO, WHAT, WHY RESCO? RESCO is a Non-Profit, 501(c)7 (Social Club) tax-exempt corporation. We represent retirees and active employees from these organizations:
Anyone who is presently receiving or anticipating a monthly retirement allowance from the Stanislaus County Employees Retirement Association (StanCERA) is eligible to become a RESCO member. That’s a LOT OF FOLKS! Speaking of StanCERA...whether you’re retired or not, (DID WE MENTION THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE RETIRED TO JOIN RESCO!) you have representation on the StanCERA Board of Retirement! Representatives are elected by both active employees and retirees. Retiree Representatives work closely with RESCO so retirees have a voice. We’ve got you covered there, too! And, another thing...When you join RESCO, you also automatically become a member of the California Retired County Employee’s Association (CRCEA) - along with 19 other California Counties! CRCEA carries a lot of clout when it comes to protecting our retirement benefits, with over 200,000 represented! YES! I want to join! BUT HOW? There are several ways you can join RESCO! • Print, Sign & Mail Form below • Call RESCO at (209) 521-1666 • Email us at contact@rescotoday.org RESCO dues are ONLY $5.00 per month*, or $60 per year. If you are already retired, you can have your dues deducted from your StanCERA retirement check each month by completing this Authorization for Dues Deduction Form. CLICK HERE TO JOIN RESCO!.pdf *If you’re not yet retired, your dues are waived | HEALTHY, WEALTHY (WELL, MAYBE!) AND WISE Now, were going to talk about one of the most important reasons folks join RESCO: INSURANCE! Yes, we know that everyone needs and deserves good quality and affordable Medical insurance. All retirees OVER 65 years of age and their dependents can obtain Medical Insurance through RESCO and Pacific Group Agencies (PGA). Younger retirees and even active employees may be eligible to get other types of coverage through PGA, such as dental, vision, pet, travel....the list goes on! CLICK ON THE INSURANCE/HEALTH TAB FOR MORE INFORMATION We would love to represent you!We need your support to maintain a healthy organization, and to have a strong voice for effective retirement representation. Our role is to advocate, educate, inform and provide fun activities for our members. |