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Wesley Hall Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Khrizia Ira Ulmilla!

The goal of this scholarship is to support individuals who, like Mr. Hall, are dedicated to becoming leaders in our local communities for many years to come.


By Pacific Group Agencies

The new year usually brings with it new resolutions, maybe a refresh of the house, or exciting plans for the future. In this spirit, Pacific Group Agencies wants to raise awareness about estate planning as a way of securing the future for your family. A Will, or Last Will and Testament, is a legal document that outlines the distribution of your property and assets after you die. Every person over 18 should have a Will, regardless of their net worth.

Why do I need a Will?

  • ·         Get the final say: Without a Will, state laws decide how to divide your estate, through a lengthy and potentially expensive probate process, potentially passing it to the state if you have no heirs.
  • ·         Minimize family conflicts: A Will prevents disputes among surviving family members by clearly stating your wishes, and protects caregivers or family members from the stress of trying to honor wishes which were not made clear to them.
  • ·         Ensure your loved ones are cared for: Designate guardians for your minor children and pets, rather than leaving the decision to the court.
  • ·         Create a lasting legacy: Decide whether to leave your assets to family or donate to a charity, rather than letting the state decide.
  • ·         For your mental health: People with Wills feel more peaceful, confident, and empowered, while those without are more likely to feel stressed and afraid. Knowing your affairs are in order can provide significant peace of mind for both you and your family
  • ·        

Legal Shield makes creating a will simple. Write your Will in 3 easy steps:

  • 1.      Answer questions: Provide details about your estate, belongings, and designated guardians.
  • 2.      Fill out the questionnaire: Use the LegalShield mobile app to submit your information to your provider law firm.
  • 3.      Lawyer preparation: Your provider lawyer will prepare your Will within 5 business days, with consultations available if needed.

If you are enrolled in the LegalShield benefit, you can start making your Will using the mobile app or web portal. If not, consider enrolling! LegalShield provides access to legal services through a network of provider law firms for its members. Visit for more information or call 800-511-9065.

Stanislaus County Volunteer Mentor Program

The Stanislaus County Volunteer Mentor Program has been making a difference since 1999 and is ready to get back in action, and we encourage your participation.

We are introducing an exciting initiative that will not only benefit our retirees but also strengthen our connection to the community. Starting this schoolyear 2023-2024, we are re-launching the County Volunteer Mentor Program, in partnership with Sierra Vista Child & Family Services.

WHO? –Volunteer mentors are matched with an elementary school age child in partnership with Modesto City Schools;

WHAT? – Mentors volunteer a minimum of one hour per week to mentor a child by reading, assisting with homework, playing games, creating art, and listening, with the support of Sierra Vista staff.

WHERE? – Six selected elementary Modesto City School sites based on assessed needs include:  Burbank, Franklin, Kirschen, Orville Wright, and Shackleford.

WHEN? - The volunteer time commitment is for one hour per week, (plus travel time to and from the school site) for the 2023-2024 school year. The schedule aligns with the Modesto City Schools and concludes in May.

HOW? – Complete and submit an online  application with Sierra Vista Child & Family Services at:

Ø  Schedule an appointment for a LIVESCAN background screening and tuberculosis (TB) screening through Modesto City Schools. Cost for screening is covered by MCS. Results are required prior to being allowed on campus as a volunteer mentor.

Ø  Participate in a volunteer mentor training provided Sierra Vista Child and Family Services in partnership with Sierra Vista Child & Family Services. Training will be approximately three hours and will help prepare volunteers to be successful in their mentoring experience.

Ø  Eligible volunteers will be interviewed by Sierra Vista staff and assigned to a student mentee with an agreement for mentoring at a specific site on a regular day and time each week.

Questions?  Contact Patricia Lord, Management Consultant, Chief Executive Office, (209) 573-0905 or


Did you know...

As a RESCO member, you can attend the CRCEA Conferences which are usually held in Spring and Fall!  Get great information about what’s going on in the retirement world of the twenty 1937 Act Counties.

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