BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2024 Myrna Lebert President Michael O'Neal Vice President ![]() Tina Von Stade Secretary
Maria De Anda
Treasurer/Editor Connie Brimm Seat 1 - Director
Donna Webster Seat 2 - Director (term expires 12/26) Dave Richards Seat 3 - Director Lillie Farriester Seat 4 - Director Other Voting Members Ron Grider Past President ![]() Rhonda Biesemeier Retirement Board Representative Sam Sharpe Alternate Retirement Board Rep. Ed Washington Director Emeritus
Support Staff Administrative Assistant/Website Project Manager P.O. Box 1646 Modesto, CA 95353-1643 Phone: 209-521-1666 Email: Admin@RescoToday.org | What we do behind the scenes....AUDIT - Conducts semi-annual reviews of the RESCO financial records to assure that all monies received and expended are accurately accounted for.BUDGET - Prepares a proposed budget for each upcoming year for approval by the Board of Directors each January.BYLAWS - Periodically reviews and updates the RESCO Bylaws to be assure that all of our business practices are outlined and being followed.INSURANCE - Works closely with our insurance administrator to assure that a variety of health plans are available, and coordinates the annual Open Enrollment Event for members.LEGISLATION - Keeps abreast of any pending legislation that may impact retiree benefits and works with CRCEA’s Legislative Committee to protect our benefits.LITIGATION - Works with our Attorneys, gathering information that may be needed to support pending or potential litigation.MEMBERSHIP & MARKETING - Seeks out recruitment & retention methods for new and existing members and participates in the annual Pre-Retirement Seminars hosted by StanCERA.NEWSLETTER - Gathers articles and coordinates with our printer to produce out quarterly newsletter.RETIREMENT - Representatives on the StanCERA Retirement Board keep RESCO members informed of retirement board actions and any pertinent information.WEBSITE - Updates and maintains information on the RESCO Website so members have access and are kept informed of RESCO activities.RESCO BylawsApproved March 09, 2016 _____________________________ Legislative ReportAugust 2024 Legislative Report LINKS TO RELATED SITESStanCERA - Stanislaus County Employee Retirement Association StanCERA - Retirement Board Meeting Agendas PEPRA - California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 - See SACRS Resources CERL - (County Employees Retirement Law) CALAPRS - California Association of Public Retirement Systems NCPERS - National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems A BRIEF HISTORY OF RESCO